


En résumé

J'ai effectué 9 ans d'expatriation: 6 ans avec Schlumberger en tests de puits de pétrole, 1 ans à Rotterdam pour Air Liquide, en hand-over et démarrage sur le site d'eco-generation de Pernis, et 2 ans chez Subsea 7, en construction et démarrage de plate-formes.

Je possède de fortes compétences techniques, en tuyauterie, soudure, mécanique, environnement pétrolier et réservoirs,
que j'allie à quelques compétences managériales, principalement dans des postes de supervision terrain.

J'ai terminé en septembre 2010 un MBA orienté management des nouvelles technologies, et stratégie financière.
Je suis peu sensible au stress et je suis orientée résultats.

Je souhaite évoluer vers un poste d'appel d'offre, ou vers un poste d'estimation de travaux de construction, onshore ou sur des machines tournantes, commme les centrales electriques ou thermiques.

Mes compétences :
Chef de projet
Microsoft Project
Production Management
Project Leader
Team Leader


  • Schlumberger - Job supervisor and engineer in charge

    Paris 2007 - maintenant Melun - Jan to Mar 2007
    Coach then instructor
    - Surface Well Test
    - Surface Sampling

    Angola - Apr 2007-Jan 2008
    Job supervisor full package on Aleutian Key for Sonangol
    - About 20 people
    Job supervisor SWT on rig Jim Cunningham, for Esso for 3 well tests
    - 10 people
    Engineer in charge in Soyo base:
    - Load out and back load of eauipment
    - Base logistics
    - Suplier and Client contact
    - Equipment maintenance and certification
    - QHSE
  • Schlumberger - Field Engineer

    Paris 2001 - maintenant Schlumberger is a service company for oil&gas operators. It can handle easy or complex missions in a large part of the oil&gas chain from reservoir characterization to production management.

    I strated in june 2001 as a junior field engineer, and became general field engineer in nov2006. I was testing oil and gas wells, using a conventional test separator or a multiphase meter, in onshore single service jobs or offshore full packages jobs.
    I worked in various techniques, well testing, data acquisition) and closely related other segments (PLT, MDT, gravel pack, stimulation, artificial lift).
    Schlumberger is a company in constant movement, where the day tomorrow will be different of today. I like challenges and action. I like movement and diversity.

    I was involved in jobs from planning, logistics, technical support, test of new technology, pirchasing, billing, to job execution.

    I am thankfull to Schlumberger for the pat 6 years and a half. I worked hard for my company, and my company rewarded me by enabling me to fulfill and permanently increase my potential in very various environments and all over the world.


  • Open University OUBS (Milton Keynes)

    Milton Keynes 2007 - 2009 MBA
  • Ecole EPF

    Sceaux 1998 - 2000 Systeme et Reseaux Informatiques


Annuaire des membres :