


En résumé

Didier Douziech utilise peu ce réseau social et est plus présent sur LinkedIn.

Il est de formation ingénieur Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, complétée par l' "Advanced Management Programme" de l'INSEAD. Il a une trentaine d’années d'expérience professionnelle, dont 10 à l'étranger (Japon, Allemagne, Angleterre et Espagne). Il maîtrise professionnellement les langues française, anglaise, allemande, espagnole et japonaise.

Didier Douziech a une expérience opérationnelle de toutes les fonctions clés d'une entreprise : direction générale, administration d'entreprise, direction commerciale et marketing, direction industrielle et informatique. Il a évolué au siège d’une multinationale, en usine, dans des filiales à l'étranger, au sein d’ETI et PME et d'une start-up internet. Il a travaillé 14 ans dans le Groupe SAINT-GOBAIN et pour les groupes SPIE, IWKA AG, IXBLUE, WESTFALIA AUTOMOTIVE et le CREDIT LYONNAIS.

Au-delà de la performance économique, il cherche toujours à développer en complément et en synergie les performances sociale, sociétale et environnementale des entreprises qu'il dirige. Il se repose pour cela sur un mode de management développant la résilience et l'efficacité des hommes (www.manager21.net) et ses expériences dans les secteurs de l'énergie et du développement durable.

Français, marié et père de deux enfants, Didier Douziech est sportif et grand voyageur.

Mes compétences :
Amélioration continue
Direction générale
Gestion de projet


  • Spie Automotive Systems - Managing Director

    2007 - 2007 Interim Manager in charge of the turnaround of the Spanish subsidiary of a French Engineering Group and its management during its sales through Management Buy Out. The activities of this company are engineering and manufacturing of handling systems for the industry, supplying mainly the car industry worldwide.

    Key figures : 110 employees, 20 millions € turnover and 3 sites.
  • SKILLS-ALLIANCE - Dirigeant de Transition International

    2007 - maintenant Dirigeant de Transition et Consultant, gérant de MIDD SARL et membre de SKILLS-ALLIANCE.
    Missions réalisées :
    - Présidence ou Direction générale de 6 entreprises en France et en Espagne, pour des groupes français ou allemand
    - Direction des Opérations
    - Direction industrielle de 2 sociétés
    - Business Development pour 2 entreprises
    - Diagnostic d'entreprises
    Pour plus de détails sur ces activité, voir : www.didier-douziech.fr
    Pour plus de détails sur SKILLS-ALLIANCE, voir : www.skills-alliance.fr
  • I.Novatis en Val de Loire - Consultant

    2006 - 2007 Consultant and supplier of innovative solutions to save resources and preserve the environment in the industry and the local authorities of the “Region Centre” in France.
  • ARO S.A.S. - Member of the Board of Directors and Sales & Marketing Director

    2003 - 2005 ARO S.A.S., mother company of ARO Group, the world leader of the resistance welding equipment market, located in Château du Loir in France, supplying various industries, mainly the car industry worldwide. ARO was a division of IWKA Group, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

    Key figures : 125 millions € turnover, 700 employees, 10 subsidiaries and 30 agents in the world.

    My responsabilities :
    - Member of the Boards of the subsidiaries and managing 100 people worldwide.
    - Responsible of the worldwide Commercial and Marketing policies, Diversification (laser welding), Sales Administration, Service and International Development.

    My main achievements :
    - I limited the price cutting requested by the car makers, thanks to my worldwide sales coordination and a tough stance during the negotiations with their head quarters, plants and line builders.
    - I founded in China a subsidiary producing welding machines.
  • ARO Welding Ltd - Managing Director

    2002 - 2002 I successfully turned around the British subsidiary of ARO, thanks to renewing of 90% of the work force and the product lines, price increase, externalization of the production and moving of the company from the South to the Midlands.

    Key figures : 3,5 millions £ turnover and 12 employees. Losses of 700 K£ in 2000, 2001 and 2002, profitable since 2003.
  • Ellôra S.A.S. - Company founder - Managing Director

    2000 - 2001 I founded with 2 associates Ellôra S.A.S. to acquire and develop a BtoC web magazine and create its WAP version. We increased tenfold the number of visitors to reach 75000 visitors per month, signed a commercial partnership with eBay ( its first in France ) and finally sold the web site because of the new economy crisis.

    I convinced a bank and several investment companies to finance our project.
  • Charles André SAS - Saint-Gobain Group - Plant Manager

    1996 - 2000 Charles André S.A.S. in Joué-Lès-Tours (France), subsidiary of Saint-Gobain Group, was producing mirrors for the furniture industry and had IKEA as main customer.

    Key figures : 15 millions € turnover and 100 employees.

    I kept the plant profitable despite difficult conditions :
    - I had to dismantle the only profit-making but polluting production line
    - I had to make 20% of the employees redundant
    - I launched and run a cost cutting program
    - I invested in new machines and in a no discharge water treatment system,
    - I launched new product lines
    - I implemented the Kaizen Method (continuous improvement).
  • Sekurit Saint-Gobain International - Sales and Marketing Manager - Asian customers

    1994 - 1996 I was based in Aachen (Germany), coordinating 10 salesmen and engineers in Europe and Asia, in charge of 18M€ turnover.

    Main achievements :
    - Penetration of all the Japanese car plants in Western Europe,
    - I applied the “Kaizen” method in a German plant in order to recover the relationships with its client Toyota.
  • Nihon Saint-Gobain K.K. - Automotive Glass Department Manager

    1990 - 1994 Creation of the automotive glass business of Saint-Gobain with the Japanese car makers :
    - I proposed and implemented the strategy to start and develop a worldwide business with them.
    - Based in Japan, I succeeded in the first import of glass windows from Europe to this country and in the support of the projects between Saint-Gobain and the Japanese car assembly plants in Europe.



Annuaire des membres :