
Guillaume BOUHIER


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project manager
Commodity Trading
Coordinateur Projet


  • ENGIE - Operational & Transversal Risks Senior Officer

    COURBEVOIE 2017 - maintenant Regarding Operational risk, OTR is mandated to perform the following objectives:
    • Performing Operational Risk Event analysis with the objective to arrive at clear action points for improvement and making the GEM organization more efficient and less subject to Operational Risks.
    • Coordinating, challenging and monitoring actions reducing operational risk and improving processes.
    • Actively contributing to implementation of a unified methodology for operational risk and process management on GEM perimeter, based on major risks.
    • Supporting Business Continuity Plan framework and recovery solutions implementation in close collaboration with IT.
    • follow up status Audit RISK recommendations.
  • GDF Suez - Senior Analyst NPA Portfolio and Asset management activities

    COURBEVOIE 2012 - 2016 - Ensure that all new products (new market, new commodity, new instrument, new currency …) are correctly understood and can be processed in the potential different systems.
    - Coordinate with the different stakeholders (MO, BO, Risk Methodology, Industrial Reporting, Accounting …) to make sure proper valuation and risk measures computations can be done and will properly feed the different processes.
    - Setting up a product cartography at EMT level taking into consideration the ones existing at Trading and Marketing and Sales side.
    - Secretary to the New Product Committee and will therefore need to closely follow-up the status of all the requests.
    - Setting up EMIR-REMIT initial cartography for reporting purposes on EM side.
  • GDF-Suez - Portfolio Manager - Hedge Operations

    COURBEVOIE 2011 - 2013 The main tasks of Central Portfolio Management consist of:

    Analyzing and understanding of Electrabel's European asset portfolio and related risks, in all its complexity (physical and financial commodity risks, foreign exchange risk, weather risk, plant risk …)
    Structuring the portfolio into a comprehensive and logic book/risk structure and taking responsibility into updating and maintaining the portfolio documentation (book structure manual)
    The design of a Hedging Strategy in line with the company's hedge policy. As a support to the design of the hedging strategy, you will perform detailed market and portfolio analysis in close collaboration with Trading, the Structuring desk and the Market Analysis team
    The presentation of the proposed Hedging Strategy in the relevant Management Committee for approval
    The execution of the approved Hedging Strategy through the sales and trading channels. You will translate the asset hedging strategy in the communication towards the Local Portfolio Management departments and Trading (a.o. via the Sales sourcing prices, the pricing of non-standard market products and ordering OTC hedges via Trading)
    Management reporting on the hedge strategies and their status of execution
    Ensuring the completeness of the commodity exposures and of the S-P margin within the deal-capture systems, enabling the middle office to report correctly on exposures and enabling the back-office to correctly book realized results
    On a monthly basis, supporting the controlling department in explaining the deviations in future portfolio value, and the deviations between realized results and budgeted results
    Exchanging regularly portfolio information with the Local Portfolio Managers responsible for the management of the Short Term Risks of the portfolio, in order to improve the portfolio management knowledge and portfolio management operations
    Supporting Local Portfolio Managements in their activity (eg. setting up standard costing methodologies towards Sales)
    Formalizing portfolio management operations, processes, tools and methodologies


    More precisely, within the Hedge Operations team of the Hedging desk, you will be in charge of the implementation of the hedging strategies:

    Therefore you will translate the hedging strategies into orders and optimally execute these orders by netting them and capturing all possible synergies inside the portfolio before going to the market:
    Synergies between different segments of the value chain (e.g. power sales and power generation)
    Synergies between different parts of the portfolio (LPM BeNeDeLux, LPM Hungary, LPM Spain, …).
    Synergies between the gas and power value chains (e.g. buying back CSS and buying-back gas for gas sales at the same time)
    Once all possible synergies inside the portfolio are captured, you will optimally execute the net orders in the market by choosing the timing and execution channel:
    Execution on the wholesale market via clear orders to the Trading and Origination department (hedging with both standard and non-standard products)
    Execution through the sales channel via the communication towards the Local Portfolio Management (LPM) departments and Sales departments (Sales sourcing prices, pricing of non-standard market products, …)
    You will follow-up the hedging strategies and ensure the appropriate booking of each transaction in the CPM/LPM books. Hence you will take responsibility of the completeness of the hedging actions and associated costs and revenues within the deal-capture systems, enabling correct deal confirmation, exposure reporting, invoicing…
    You will ensure the day-to-day management of Asset Books and Sales portfolios
    You will support Local Portfolio Sales organizations through inputs for costing
    You will present, on a weekly basis, hedging actions to all involved CPM members
    You will help in setting up new tools and reporting in close collaboration with a project manager of the Hedging desk
    You will contribute to the development of the CPM department by providing feedback and enhancement proposals on he
  • Electrabel - Operations Officer

    Bruxelles 2008 - 2011 Mission

    To play a pivotal role in the Operations Team whose mission extends over a European scale and includes the daily nomination of gas and power contracts towards our counterparts and grid operators, the daily bidding on gas and power exchanges, the daily bidding of gas and power transport capacities, as well as the support of traders and portfolio managers in balancing in real time the intraday gas and power portfolio according to changing production, changing consumption and economic signals.

    Main objectives :

    Ensure a clear description of all gas- and power-related procedures and subsequent processes relevant to the Operations activities.

    Implement eventual updates and/or adjustments to such descriptions and ensure a clear communication to all stakeholders involved.

    Assist the Traders and the Portfolio Managers in (re) negotiating (new) access contracts (Exchanges, Hubs, Storage and Grid Access and Capacity-contracts) to assure that all Operations items are covered.

    Be the SPOC for all Operations issues towards European power- and gas-grid operators and exchanges and master contractual relationships with grid operators and exchanges in collaboration with legal support.

    Perform a guidance role for the team members of the Operations Team in carrying out all gas- and power-related Operations actions, in support to the Head of Operations Team.

    Compose training modules and conduct training-sessions on a regular basis for the Operations Team regarding eventual updates and/or adjustments relevant to the complete set of Operations actions.

    Map the requirements for new IT-tools to support the gas-related Operations activities and monitor the necessary developments to implement these tools.

    Participate in industry meetings and workgroups on Operations aspects.
    Report on a regular basis to the Head of the Operations Team.
  • Suez - Gestionnaire Pricing Electricité

    PARIS LA DEFENSE 2005 - 2008 •Middle et Back Office:
    - Suivi quotidien du Marché (Création des Prix de Campagne en interne ; suivi engagements Powernext & EEX).
    - Construction et maintenance de bases de données prix.
    - Interface avec les traders pour la création de produits structurés.
    •Appui Front Office:
    - Appui technique des commerciaux pour analyse des courbes de charge des prospects et génération de pricing spécifiques.
    - Suivi des engagements sur produits structurés.
    - Développement d’outils de pricing spécifiques et de modélisation des nouvelles législations.
    •Appui Informatique:
    - Gestionnaire de l’application de génération de pricing, offre et contrat.
    - Rédaction de cahiers des charges en coordination avec le département informatique.
    - Rédaction et maintenance de manuels et procédures.
    - Organisation de sessions de formations sur les outils informatiques.
  • Trafigura Group - Gestion des Risques

    2003 - 2005 •Middle et Back Office:
    - Suivi quotidien Trading Sheets Métaux (pricing physique et engagements LME)
    - Sélection et analyse de tous les contrats commerciaux
    - Construction et maintenance de bases de données prix
    - Interface administrative avec les traders pour un meilleur suivi du trafic
    •Appui Front Office:
    - Suivi du cahier de fixation
    - Appui technique des commerciaux pour mise en place de stratégies de blocage de structure
    - Mesure des résultats engagés et évaluation des positions ouvertes sur LME
    •Responsable de l’installation d’un système de gestion des risques sur le métal:
    - Définition et automatisation du processus de gestion du métal en risque
    - Construction d’outils de gestion des risques
    • Appui Informatique:
    - Coordination avec le département informatique


  • Université Bordeaux 4 Montesquieu (Bordeaux)

    Bordeaux 2002 - 2003 Matières Premières
  • Université Nantes

    Nantes 2001 - 2003 option Trading & Logistique International

    Obtention Licence & Maîtrise IUP
  • Faculté De Droit Et Sciences Économiques (Nantes)

    Nantes 1999 - 2000


Annuaire des membres :