I am currently engaged as project manager in the phase of knowledge capitalization of a national experimentation. The project aims to create methodology for companies regards to new time, space and digital organisational configurations as telework and activities in third places. It is a EU and Ministry funded project.
I am also currently involved in the Msc Study & Research in Management of IAE LYON 3 & EMLYON Business School. I have a keen interest in Sustainable Governance, Sustainable and Innovation Management.
The objective of my different entrusted missions, in projects, consultancies and training sessions, are to contribute, to the Global Performance of the companies, considering Management, Occupational health and Economic issues.
I am also used to participate in innovative and collaborative events organised by Business Schools and Media & Communication Schools.
I am eager to learn about your requirements and see how we could collaborate.
Karine BABULE.
Mes compétences :
GPEC Organisation Management Compétences
Egalité professionelle femmes hommes
Conditions de travail et prévention des risques
Ingénierie et animation de formation
Gestion de projet et conseil
Synthèse, rédaction et communication
Animation d'instances paritaires
Pratique courante de la langue espagnole
Ingénierie pédagogique
Santé au travail
Accompagnement du changement