


En résumé

As a Producer / Project manager.
I´ve worked on agile methods, new social & online business models. My game design knowledge helps me communicate with the team and interest them in production methodologies.

As a Game Designer
I've worked on Serious gaming, paper & video games, also as specific gamification projects.

Specialties :
Production methods (tools and communication) , Agile methods,
Online and other Game business models, Game design, Gamification,
Strong and geeky social skills

More information Here :
or here :

Mes compétences :
Game design
Project management


  • Piece of Cake Studios - CEO

    2015 - maintenant
  • Myself - En création de projets

    2014 - 2015
  • DSK Supinfogame - Project Manager Trainer

    2012 - 2014 Training students for the video game industry !
  • Ankama - Producer

    2011 - 2012 I'm currently working as a Project Manager on a console game under NDA

    I've worked as a Project Manager on Wakfu Les Gardiens 2, a MMO web browser game, transmedia project from the WAKFU cartoon.

    The principle was as easy as challenging: offering every two weeks, right after the animated series broadcasting, the possibility to play the same adventure the cartoon characters just had in a new dungeon inspired by the episode.

  • Pourlejeu - Freelance

    2010 - 2012 Working as Game designer and Production Consulting.
    For small and large companies,

    Also Speaker :

    Speaker at B.I.G. about Gamification (Gemalto)

    Speaker at the Future Game On Conference about Agile Methodologies. http://www.futuregameon.com/
  • Eden Games - Associate Producer

    Lyon 2008 - 2010 In charge of Concept Area. Nurturing Creativity :
    - Lead Game design brainstorming

    Associate producer on TDU2 (Large team ~ 60 ppl)
    - Worked on Communication and Production Tools (improving an In house tool, based on features workflows)
    - Outsourcing contact (In game voices)

    Producer on a project under NDA (small team ~10ppl)
    - Worked as a team manager (business / deadlines / Agile Mthds. )
    - Also focused : Online-Games, Business models and Virality

    Associate producer on Alone in the Dark V - PS3 version
    - Submission documents


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :