


En résumé

- Innovation management
- Business analysis, strategy & marketing
- Contract negotiation & management
- Intellectual property
-Team spirit & interpersonal skills

Mes compétences :
nouvelles technologies
propriété intellectuelle
Développement commercial


  • Authentic Material - Head of strategy & business development

    2016 - maintenant - Define strategy & set strategic directions
    - Set objectives & translate them into action plans
    - Responsible for strategic analysis & market positioning
    - Develop commercial & marketing action plans
    - Implement performance indicators
    - Responsible for intellectual property strategy & legal issues
    - Negotiate contracts with clients or strategic prospects
    - Investors & stakeholders management
  • Toulouse Tech Transfer - Business Manager of the Aeronautics, Space & Transportation unit

    2012 - 2016 Toulouse Tech Transfer is the French Southwestern Technology Transfer Office. Its mission is to manage the intellectual property resulting from regional public research, evaluate new inventions, and license technologies (http://www.toulouse-tech-transfer.com/offre-de-technologies/).

    I was in charge of the business development of engineering technologies typically for aeronautics, transportation or industrial applications (e.g. power electronics, materials, optics, drones/UAVs ...).

    - Contribution to the corporate strategy & marketing plan
    - Management & contribution to business case analysis with a multidisciplinary team
    - Development of dedicated business proposal for internal reviews
    - Technology marketing, market surveying & client prospecting
    - Presentation of business proposal to customers
    - Contract negotiation & management (up to millions euros of forecasted revenues)
  • Incubateur Midi-Pyrénées - Project manager

    2008 - 2012 The Incubator of Midi-Pyrénées is a business incubator that helps high tech startup companies to develop by providing services & support.

    - Sourcing & assessment of innovative technological projects
    - Management of a project portfolio: planning, tasks, deliverables, risks and budgets
    - Business support to projects: coaching, strategy, marketing, business development
    - Networking with private investors & public institutions
    - Quality manager ISO 9001
  • Capital High Tech - Toulouse - Consultante Innovation/Applications spatiales

    2006 - 2008 CAPITAL HIGH TECH is a consulting company specialized in the management of innovations with high technological contents.
    I was in charge of projects using space technologies for non-space industrial and commercial fields.

    - NEOSTAR project (Aerospace Valley labelled) – Business incubation coupled with a financing tool for start -ups developing satellite-based applications: In charge of project specifications’ definition and partners’ coordination, responsible for proposal writing and application
    - INVESaT (European Commission project) - Bridging the gap between innovative Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and financial investors in the emerging markets of satellite applications : In charge of performing SMEs audits, analyses & recommendations, and of coordinating promotional events targeted at investors
    - PROGENY project (Galileo Joint Undertaking/GJU)- Provision of Galileo Expertise, Networking and support for International Initiatives: In charge of doing SMEs satisfaction surveys, analysis & recommendations to GJU
    - Promotional support activities for the Aerospace Valley (navigation, positioning & telecommunications unit)
  • European Space Agency - ESTEC, The Netherlands - Technology transfer officer


    *ESA Technology Transfer Programme Office (TTPO) mission is to inspire and facilitate the use of space technology, systems and know-how for non-space applications - Project manager
    -Project identification & assessment
    -Business support to start-ups
    -Functional support to the division (structuring, reporting)
    -Partners’ network & communication strategy development

    *ESA Technology Harmonisation & Strategy department – Project manager
    -Coordination of the technology harmonisation process with ESA experts and ESA member states
    -Collection & consolidation of technical experts’ data
    -Organisation & participation to Technology Mapping & Roadmap meetings and negotiations


  • European Knowledge & Technology Transfer Society (EuKTS) (Brussels)

    Brussels 2016 - 2016 Certificat

    EuKTS Professional Certificate
  • Institut Européen Entreprise Et Propriété Intellectuelle IEEPI

    Illkirch Graffenstaden 2010 - 2011 Master 2 - Stratégies de Propriété Intellectuelle et Innovation

    Master en formation continue/Continous training

    Mémoire: "L’impact du brevet dans la recherche de capitaux propres auprès des fonds d’investissements" - Mention Très Bien

    Master thesis: "The impact of the patent in the search for equity funds" - High honors
  • Institut National De La Propriété Industrielle INPI (Toulouse)

    Toulouse 2007 - 2008 Certificat d'animateur propriété intellectuelle (CAPI) - 2ème de promotion
    L'objectif de ce certificat est de permettre aux animateurs:
    - d'assurer un rôle d'aide à la décision et d'orientation vis-à-vis de ses interlocuteurs,
    - de gérer les besoins de leur structure en propriété industrielle, en liaison avec les spécialistes propriété industrielle
  • NEOMA Business School (Reims Management School - RMS)

    Reims 2000 - 2004 International Business & Management

    ESC Reims Group
    Master 1 - International Business and Management
    Franco-Dutch Program (50% France / 50% The Netherlands)


Annuaire des membres :