Olivier Saurais has acquired an expertise in the fields of Customer Relationship Management, Customer satisfaction measurement, Service Quality and Customer experience Strategy.
He has operated internationally in many Industrial and Services Sectors : Insurance and Banking, Leisure, Transportation, Logistics, Oil Industry, Food Industry, Tourism, Hotels, Sport Industry
Present activity : Olivier Saurais has developed Mbee.M - MEASUREMENT OF CORPORATE PERFORMANCE.
Mbee.M is a management information system based upon internal and external satisfaction surveys.
Mbee.M delivers to management actionable dashboards on 5 levers of corporate performance :
-1/ Employee Engagement
-2/ Training and Internal programmes Impact
-3/ Efficiency of the organization (Customer value generated through processes)
-4/ B2B customers Loyalty
-5/ B2C customers Loyalty
After 10 years of development, Mbee.M has became a mature and complete system that will soon operate on the Cloud.
Mbee.M has developed a unique satisfaction model that considers Emotional Satisfaction and its components, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value. This model helps to go beyond the traditional satisfaction analysis based on the rational analysis (linear) of its components.
Mbee.M is promoted worldwide through a network of certified partners.
These partners are well established consulting firms, mostly in the fields of HR, Strategy and Organization. If you are interested to integrate this activity in your service offer, please contact us.
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Mes compétences :
Employee Engagement