


En résumé

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  • Coca-Cola Entreprise - Vice-président, directeur national des ventes

    ISSY LES MOULINEAUX 2008 - maintenant Experienced commercial leader with great industry expertise and field insight built on over 25 years of different commercial accountabilitiI have joined the Coca-Cola Bottling business in France in 1995 as Key Account Manager, and later became Home Channel Director.
    In 2006 I was promoted Sales center director for Paris Region, before becoming VP field sales in January 2008.
    I have a thorough experience of people management, based on significant team management. I have built real experience in change management. In paralelle I have developed outstanding expertise in customer management, thanks to 18 years of negotiation with an impressive portfolio of key customers; both within CCE and other FMCG companies.
    Based on the vision of being the best sales and customer service Beverages Company, I'm in charge of excellence thinking and execution every day. With such a strong focus and great incentive, I have spend much of my time in the field at the side of his teams, to share strategies, and walk together to the same destination.
    I'm passionated by people. My experience and beliefs have long shown me that nothing could happen without people. Convinced that everyone has a special and unique role to play, I embrace diversity. In this regard, I'm the Sponsor of Diversity for France.
    After economics studies in Strasbourg, I have moved to Paris. I'm married and happy father of three daughters.
    I love cinema, travelling, and spend time with my family. Last but not least, I'm passionated about sports (running, ski, tennis) and I'm a real and historical fan of the PSG, Paris famous soccer team


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