


En résumé

Senior Process Engineer, Expert, très large expérience, Recheche & Développement, Process Engineering, Industrialisation, Innovation, systèmes médicaux, medical device, implants, outils chirurgicaux, urologie, neurologie, traumatologie-orthopédie, stylos d'injection, pompes d'infusion, aiguilles, domaine grand public et professionnel, pulvérisateurs agricoles, pulvérisateur jardin, pulvérisateur produits chimiques, Optimisation de machines, machine à tricoter industrielle, machine à coudre, machine à filtres à cigarette, machine d'assemblage, machine de test, ligne production cellules lithium ion polymer, conception de batteries de stockage d'énergie de grande capacité.
Points forts particuliers, Créativité, innovation, 17 de brevets déposés, Passion du travail, vue d'ensemble, possibilité de focalisation jusqu'au plus petit détail, Analyse, trouble shooting, GMP, Travail salle propre, Analyse microscopique optique, microscopie, fluorescence UV, Vision industrielle, Panasonic P400, Gloor Analysis, Cognex Checker, Marquage laser, Programmation automate programmable, Crouzet Millenium, Travail en "salle propre", Qualification d'équipement (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ), validation de procédés.

Formations spécifiques:
Acoustique industrielle UTC Compiègne (auditeur libre)
Ingénieur SAV Moissonneuse-batteuse (Fortschritt)
Assemblage automatisé (EPFL)
Biomatériaux (EPFL), Matières plastiques (GRETA Oyonnax), Collage (ESCEPEA)
Process Validation (IVT, IRC), FMEA - AMDEC (Worchester, ARIAQ)
Management & Conflits (Göldi Partner, SPA, ARCO), Project Management (Genesis)
Team Management System (ARCO), Analyse transactionnelle (CRPM)
International AO Trauma Masterclass Symposium, European Congress of Surgery

Mes compétences :
Injection plastique
System Engineering
Team Management
CAO Autodesk Inventor 2013 Pro
Allemand courant
Dispositifs médicaux
Angais courant
Injection aluminium


  • Micron Technology - Ingénieur expert

    2016 - 2018 Ingénieur expert au sein du team projets spéciaux, chargé de développer des concepts de machine d'assemblage haute cadence de produits médicaux en relation avec des clients internationaux.
    Réalisation de vidéos 3D de simulation des concepts et des process sur Autodesk Inventor
  • B.Braun Medical - Senior Development Engineer Packaging systems

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2013 - 2016 Etude de concepts de poches de perfusion-nutrition. Trouble-shooting et optimisation de machine de production haute cadence de poches de perfusion
  • Leclanché SA - Senior Engineer R&D

    2008 - 2013 Responsable de la partie mécanique développement et industrialisation de l'intégration de batteries Lithium ion dans des applications spécifiques de tout secteur d'activité.
    Conception batterie soldat du futur.
    Boitiers injectés en plastique, en aluminium
    Soudage laser aluminium
    Poste de montage automatisé: bouterollage, contrôle étanchéité
    Trouble-shooting et optimisation de la ligne de production de cellule lithium ion polymère.
    Développement mécanique de modules de stockage stationnaire d'énergie renouvelable.
    Industrialisation production des modules de stockage
    Coaching équipe ingénieurs process engineering
    1 brevet déposé, 1 en attente
  • Osteo Stryker - Responsable Innovation

    1998 - 1999 Responsibility for innovation, for developing pre projects using medical literature and contact with surgeons
    • Organized collaboration between CHUV Lausanne and the company for trials. Trials with new humerus nail
    • Developed a nail extractor which reduces the operative time by a factor of ten (anaesthesia, OR occupation and at least 4 persons)
    • Designed a modular nail (Reconstruction, Transverse, GK) to reduce hospital stocks
    • Conceived of a depth gauge for bone screws to allow measurements three times faster than conventional tool
    • 1 patent to be filed on a nail femoral extractor
  • Ypsomed-Disetronic Injection-Disetronic Medical Systems - Manager Process Engineering

    1998 - 2008 Responsible for creation of Process Engineering department and multi-department laboratories, especially microscopy for complaints analyses. Also responsible the establishment of departmental procedures, the clean room and preparation of specifications to buy, to qualify assembly and to test machines
    • Qualified production equipment from small handwork stations to complex transfer equipment with robot, vision, laser following cGMP
    recommendations (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ)
    • Resolved numerous production problems using trouble shooting analysis methodology to maintain delivery times and quality of products
    • Optimised production processes to cost reductions, improve quality and reliability, especially in needle production with significant reduction of complaints
    • Implemented new technologies in injection pens manufacturing: laser marking (6 equipments), robotic with vision (amortisation in 2 years)
    • 5 patents filed and several patents pending
  • Medos Johnson&Johnson - Senior Staff R&D Engineer

    1995 - 1998 Responsibility to establish the R&D function in Switzerland, to create lab, define and buy laboratory equipment, to recruit people, to develop according to American headquarters budget projections, and research axes. Representation of the company in normalisation meetings
    • Supported the manufacturing with trouble-shooting analyse, reduced the scrapes, especially due to the cleaning process
    • Realized an implantable anti-siphon device, conducted validation. The device enjoyed surgeons
    • Developed a micro-torque measurement device for programmable valves, which allowed improvements to CSF shunts
    • 1 patent filed for Anti Siphon Device
  • Medinvent-American Medical Systems-Pfizer - Chef de projet

    1991 - 1994 Responsible to improve and develop a device to implant prostheses in natural vessel and to train surgeons in OP with the new products
    • Developed a disposable delivery instrument, which releases the stent at the exact position in the urethra and prostate
    • Conceived a universal telescope stabilizer. This device allowed the surgeon to work without a “third hand”
    • Conceived, constructed, programmed and qualified an automated test machine allowing the monitoring of production yields
    • 1 patent filed for Stent Delivery Device
  • Baumgartner Papiers - Chef projet mécanique

    1990 - 1991 Responsible for analyis of high cost new filter project (7 millions CHF) in a special mission. Responsible for optimisation of cigarette filter pro-duction machines
    • Proved the non-reliability of the process and the environmental problem created by the new filter and stopped the project
    • Conceived a special machine for air deodorants in line with an extrusion machine and an paper crimping machine
    • Audited manufacturing processes, proposed improvements and realization on paper crimping equipment.
  • Steiger - Chef de projet

    1988 - 1990 Responsible fro completions of prototype for high-speed double-sewing pullover machine and to optimise knitting machines
    • Analysed and stopped the high-speed sewing machine project. Specifications were not adapted to the market and would be too expensive
    • Researched and prototyped new concept for Intarsia knitting machines: lower cost and more possibilities
    • 3 patents granted on Intarsia machine, tensile system for threads and thread pulling system
  • Berthoud - Responsable BE - Industrialisation

    BELLEVILLE SUR SAONE 1982 - 1988 Responsible for creation of the function, in close collaboration with marketing, proposed and marketed at least two new products per year
    • Developed a line of sprayers for garden, vineyards and industry. Developed new applications for medical market
    • Conceived and launched every year 2 new products: sprayer, hide weed killer, flexible lance, foaming nozzle for selective weeding…
    • Optimised the production lines attaining return on investment within 2 years
    • Developed test and automatic inspection equipments with drastic reduction of scrapping, removing subjective decision
    • Wrote files for subsidies (Anvar, government) and obtained several hundred thousands francs subsidy
    • Prepared subcontracting for overseas manufacturing (USA, China, Zimbabwe)
    • 7 patents granted on divers devices and accessories
  • Fortschritt-Smafa - Attaché de direction technique

    1980 - 1982 Responsible of the Security and organisation of training. Responsible for homologation of imported vehicles in France
    • Transformed agriculture machines for the French cultivation of corn
    • Organised the stand at the international agriculture exhibition SIMA in Paris and developed the marketing documentation
  • Porcher - Stagiaire ingénieur

    1979 - 1980 Responsible for the development of an automat to assemble several types of taps



Annuaire des membres :