


En résumé

En poste chez Mondelēz International.

Mes compétences :
Sécurité industrielle
Assurance qualité
Audit qualité
Normes Qualité
Gestion de la qualité
Nutrition sportive


  • Mondelēz International - Food Safety Coordinator

    CLAMART 2015 - maintenant • Manage and ensure Food Safety of products manufactured in Mondelez production.
    • Ensure required level of hygiene, sanitation, GMP standards and HACCP system according to MDLZ Requirements and Local and international legislation.
    • Ensure HACCP is fully implemented in line with the MDLZ standard across site and provide support at all the HACCP verification/ validation as required.
    • Conduct regular audits of the SPP’s to verify control and compliance.
    • Develop and roll out procedures and standards to improve food safety across site
    • Implement and maintain company Allergen policies on site, Extraneous matter management and Hygienic zoning programs
    • Drive and support compliance to the company’s Good Manufacturing Practices
    • Accountable for all aspects of the hygiene and sanitation agenda ensuring continuous improvement and sharing of best practice.
    • Provide food safety and sanitation support for all projects, studies and assessments as required.
    • Participate on Equipment Design Review process.
    • Work with the shop floor teams to ensure that their Standard operating procedures contain all GMP, HACCP and sanitation requirements and approve new requirements and standards on behalf of site.
    • Lead the development of training materials and providing effective training from GMP / food safety and sanitation area for individuals and groups
    • Build strong linkages with members of the Corporate Quality to build effective HACCP, sanitation and pest control programs on site that add value to processes and improve the brand perception of our products.
  • Mondelēz International - Senior QA Analyst

    CLAMART 2014 - 2015 - Cleaning Project Leader (enhance responsibility & respect by redefine & redistribute tasks by areas): coordination & support to develop program, plan, training, external contract required, order material, meeting organization
    - Project Leader on Chocolate Masses Inventory Deviation
    - Support of Project Leader for Reduction of Extra Cocoa Butter Dosing
    - Sanitation: act to keep a suitable Master Sanitation Plan, lead to improvements in the standards, convey expectations to the Group by working closely with sections to define priorities & find solutions
    - Pest Management : audit, risk assessment, coordination of work (pest control operator & teams), control
    - Updates of HACCP plans, update of documents relating to the quality, implementation of quality procedures
    - Staff training, GMP communication, 1st production control
  • Mondelēz International - QHSE Support

    CLAMART 2013 - 2013 - Mise en place des procédures QHSE du groupe sur sites de production.
    - Project Manager for Security Standard implementation (Lock-Out Tag-Out): risk assessment, definition safety levels, training, labeling LOTO points, mapping, writing work instruction
    - Compliance sites, Vichy (Pastillerie) & Toulouse (Cachou Lajaunie), according to the requirements of the BRC v.6 & FSSC 22000 and quality procedures, update action plans & coordination of internal and external partners
    - Implementation of Food Defense Plan according to PAS 96 based on VACCP method: risk analysis, identification of CCPs, implementation of control procedures & audit
    Implementation of quality & safety procedures, staff training, update of documents relating to the quality
    - GMP audit - Traceability - Participation in internal & external audits
  • Mondel?z International (Kraft Foods) - Assistant Qualité

    CLAMART 2012 - 2012 Mise en conformité des sites selon les exigences du BRC version 6 et du groupe Kraft
    Mise en place d'un plan de Food Defense selon la méthode VACCP : Analyse de risques, identification des CCP, mise place de procédures de contrôle et de vérification
    Suivis d'audits internes et externes
  • L'Oréal - Cosmétique Active Production - Chargé de Mission Qualité Packaging

    PARIS 2012 - 2012 Packaging Optimization & Line Efficiency
    Etudes de capabilités machines
    Caractérisation des lignes de conditionnement
    Réduction des déchets
    Optimisation de la palettisation
    Contrôle des articles de conditionnement
    Suivis d'essais pour le lancement de nouveaux produits
    Gestion qualité : audits, validation des détecteurs de défauts
  • The Food & Environment Research Agency - Chargé de Recherche Scientifique

    2011 - 2011 Detection and quantification of Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum in soils to determine the risk of Verticillium wilt in strawberry

    The project was divided in two objectives. In the one hand, it was to determine the relationship between DNA levels of V. dahliae and V. albo-atrum in soil and level of strawberry wilt using pot trials with infected soil. Firstly, this will be permitted by proving that disease symptoms are really caused by the fungi sing DNA extraction and Taqman PCR. In the other hand, it was to determine the DNA sequence variability between isolates of V. dahliae and different Verticillium species, using cloning and sequencing, in order to notify future development of specific real time PCR assays.


  • Faculte De Medecine Et De Pharmacie (Clermont Ferrand)

    Clermont Ferrand 2011 - 2012 Gestion de Projet en Développement de Produits Pharmaceutiques et Nutritionnels
  • Faculte De Medecine

    Clermont Ferrand 2010 - 2011 Nutrition et Sciences des Aliments
  • Université Reims Champagne Ardennes BBTE (Reims)

    Reims 2007 - 2010 Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie
  • UFR De Pharmacie

    Reims 2005 - 2007
  • Université Reims Champagne Ardennes

    Reims 2005 - 2007 Pharmacie


Annuaire des membres :