
Sebastien LARUE


En résumé

Bilingue Anglais (4 années en Angleterre)

Mes compétences :


  • Crown Packaging Plc - Planning Manager France

    2008 - maintenant Planning is integral to the success of all food manufacturing businesses. The ability to successfully plan the productivity trends, seasonality requirements and the movement of goods throughout the company to meet financial targets and customer deadlines are essential qualities in the fast paced Food Industry.

    I am responsible for the full planning function and my role includes major interaction with customers. I manage contract manufacturing and interact with all distribution, production and logistics members. I take a hands on approach within the business and interact at all levels.
  • Crown Packaging Plc, - Technical Training Coordinator (VIE)

    2006 - 2007 A member of the Technical Training Department of the world’s major packaging manufacturer, with responsibility for developing and coordinating training strategy and programmes for new and established implementations.

    CROWN is a large international company with a turnover of US$7 billion, employing over 24,000 people in 42 countries worldwide.

    Project management: liaising with all internal and external clients, working closely with internal colleagues to ensure strong peer review practices and timely and efficient production of manual issues; working with other businesses and departments to exploit new opportunities and develop new standard operational procedures. Producing standard training packages, gathering together the best current knowledge, into a structured and measurable system. Implementing key recommendations; developing a proficiency in handling multiple projects simultaneously under tight deadlines, limited budget and staff; part of project team involved in designing and testing functionality of new technical website. Major actor in the implementation of the ISO 9001: 2000 throughout the Food Sector.

    Communication: playing an active part in facilitating communications; Reporting programme progress on a regular basis; presenting reports at engineering meetings; writing and proof-reading material; writing and updating manual content; networking at international board meetings; developing communication plans for new implementations and new releases. Using conflict management techniques to deal with some disputes of interest within the group to help each business in Europe understand the other business positions and to reach an agreement.

    Key skills: time management; multi-tasking; working under pressure; organisation; negotiation; team working; staff management; written and verbal communication; interpersonal skills; adapting to new technology; attention to detail; problem solving; familiarity with the academic environment, current research trends and the packaging industry.
  • Pharmacie JP & F Kéréveur - Process Improvement Analyst - Marketing

    2005 - 2006 A temporary contract in a pharmaceutical company (5 employees). Responsibilities and achievements:

    -Provided Project Management oversight and guidance for key marketing initiatives.
    -Identified gaps and opportunities within the marketing process to be streamlined for efficiency.
    -Responsible for the online catalogue.
    -Project leader for the implementation of the business in the UK. (leguidesante.co.uk)
    -Audited and mapped the current processes.
    -Documented those processes and made recommendations for improvements.
  • Weallcollect.com - Quality Assurance officer

    2004 - 2004 A position in an E-business company. Responsibilities and achievements:

    -Created computer applications with the help of a programmer to monitor the company environment.
    -Analysed the quality assurance system and made recommendations for improvements. These were incorporated into the current quality assurance system.
    -Performed Quality Audits at the company.
    -Examined the company to meet the Web-Trust standard.
    -Investigated the company to make sure that it would comply with quality assurance procedures.
  • Le Vinatier - Quality Assurance Officer

    2002 - 2003 A position in the second biggest psychiatric hospital of France. Responsibilities and achievements:

    -Responsible for quality standard management.
    -Facilitated the hospital's successful ANAES (specific norm of quality management for hospitals and laboratories) certification in conjunction with senior management.
    -Delivered staff training to provide guidance and advice to all employees on procedures and issues.
    -Identified under the direction of Senior Management, staff training needs and produced appropriate training materials/packages.
    -Event organisation.
    -Collection and analysis of specific data.



Annuaire des membres :