*National and international dossier writing and submission,
D 91/414/EEC (Chemical and Microbial Plant protection Products), Regulation (EC) n° 2003/2003 (Fertilizers), Directive 98/8/EEC (Biocide Products), Regulation (EC) n° 1906/2007 (REACH/Chemical substances), Regulation 648/2004/EC (Detergent), GHS, Organic farming regulations
*Follow-up of dossiers after submission
*Meetings with member states officials
Classification and Labelling
*Participation to ECB (European Chemical Bureau) meetings. *Defence and discussion of classification proposals for active ingredients
*Labelling and MSDS writing and updates
*Toxicological evaluations: operator, worker and bystander risk assessments.
*Involvement in Medical surveillance programs
*Monitoring and follow-up of toxicological studies
*Writing, review and peer-review of the toxicological parts of the registration dossiers
Communication and liaison
*Participation to IUPP (French Industrial Syndicate for Plant Protection Products) working groups (operator exposure, operator safety)
* Member of IBMA (International Biocontrol Manufacturer Association)
*Member of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) working groups for reviewing guidance documents
*Numerous contacts with scientists, consultants, laboratories and European countries officials
Mes compétences :
Affaires réglementaires
Regulatory Affairs