


En résumé

Traductrice indépendante depuis mai 2008 forte de plus de trois d'expérience en agence de traduction, je travaille de l'anglais et de l'italien vers le français.
Je traduis et relis différents types de textes (supports de formation, documentation interne d'entreprises, présentations PowerPoint, publications liées à des conférences, communiqués de presse, sites Web, enquêtes marketing, contrats, e-mails promotionnels et emballages) dans divers domaines, notamment marketing, commercial, informatique, juridique et relatifs aux jeux vidéo, aux jeux de plateau et à la lutte antitabac.
Je cherche à continuellement développer mon réseau professionnel, à améliorer mes compétences en traduction et à renforcer mes connaissances dans mes domaines de prédilection.

Je travaille en étroite collaboration avec quatre autre traductrices indépendantes. Nous avons toutes suivi la même formation et partageons des expériences professionnelles similaires. Nous nous sommes associées et avons créé l'équipe de traduction Trad'ACKLE afin de gérer des projets de différentes tailles et natures tout en assurant harmonisation stylistique et cohérence terminologique.

Compétences: traduction, relecture, localisation, contrôle qualité (Quality Assurance).

Domaines de spécialisation: marketing, commercial, informatique, juridique, tourisme, jeux vidéo, jeux de plateau et lutte antitabac.

Mes compétences :


  • Trinity School - French teacher

    2010 - 2015 Periodic French courses to groups of Italian railway workers in order to improve their linguistic knowledge, prepare them for specialized courses of railway regulations and help them maintain their skills in French.
  • Freelance Translator, Interpreter and Proofreader - English/Italian > French freelance translator

    2008 - maintenant Translation and review of various English and Italian texts into French (internal company documents, training materials, conference publications, press releases, slide presentations, websites, marketing surveys, promotional documents, FAQs, emails, contracts and games) with an emphasis on marketing, business, IT, legal, gaming and tobacco control fields.
  • SDL International, Sheffield, England - French translator

    2004 - 2008 Translator working in the French team of a market-leading translation agency located in Sheffield, England.
    - Translation and review of corporate brochures, product and solution presentations, internal communications, training materials, white papers, press releases, newsletters, installation, setup and operation manuals, help and FAQs, software strings, product packaging, company websites, advertising materials, service agreements, management reports, in-games, articles and reviews in various fields (marketing, IT, legal, financial, technical, gaming and video games).
    - Linguistic quality assurance (LQA) of translated websites and documents in various formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF) after desktop publishing including spot check of the text layout and of the hypertext and internal links.
    - Creating, updating and managing translation memories, glossaries, terminology databases and style guides.
    - Deputy coordinator of the French team. Centralisation and allocation of the translation tasks between 13 translators. Point of liaison between the translators and the projects managers.
  • URFIST - Intern translator

    2004 - 2004 Three-month internship as a translator
    - Translation of PubMed’s tutorial, a database of bibliographic citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical science.
    - Translation of Scopus’ tutorial, an abstract and citation database in science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
    - Translation of various information skills curricula.
  • "De La Salle College", Macroom, Ireland - French assistant

    2001 - 2002 Organization of activities, exercises and individual sessions in French for various classes (1st, 2nd and 4th to 6th years).



Annuaire des membres :