
Christophe REYNE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Project


  • Aquaponicos - San Patricio - Project and production manager

    2012 - maintenant Production and project manager of a tilapia hatchery (600 000 eggs/month) and an aquaponic tilapia farm (tilapia grow out and basil, lettuce, tomatoe, melon) in El Salvador,
    Central America. Project management including grow out tilapia with biofloc technology, construction of a second aquaponic system, design and set up of filtration systems for the RAS hatchery, design of a tilapia nursery (100 000 fry/year) in recirculating system (RAS).
  • ARDA (Association Réunionnaise de Développement de l'Aquaculture) - Design of an optimized tropical RAS for Sciaenops ocellatus

    2011 - 2011 - Design of an optimized recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) at ARDA (Research and Development Aquaculture Centre), Reunion Island, France. Efficiency and cost comparison of different RAS (with a combination of sand filters, different type of bio filters, protein skimmer and air lifts); and designing an optimized RAS based on the obtained results.

    - Helping to write guidelines of Red drum hatchery procedures at ARDA. Including: Breeders management (feeding, genetic renewal, biopsy and hormonal injection), Eggs storing, Algae production, Live prey production (rotifers Brachionus plicatilis, Artemia salina), Larval rearing, Nursery rearing, Pre-Ongrowing, Size-grading, transfers, RAS maintenance, Medicals treatment, Biosecurity in hatchery.
  • Wageningen University - Master thesis: «The effects of nitrate-N concentration on performances of rainbow trout in RAS».

    2010 - 2011 Master thesis including literature review; set up and running a 2 months experiment; feed, faeces and fish body composition analyses for fat, ash, dry matter, energy and crude protein; statistical data analysis using SPSS 15 software; writing scientific report. Experience in daily maintenance of 6 independent RAS systems during 4 months 7 days/week.
  • Chaucer Foods Ltd - Shrimp feed trials for broodstock Penaeus Vannamei

    2009 - 2009 Project manager: 7 weeks of trials in a RAS hatchery breeding broodstock Penaeus Vannamei (seawater RAS system), in Ecuador. Including:
    - experimental set up
    - data collection on shrimps, eggs and naupliis
    - data analysis
  • Chaucer Foods Ltd - Shrimp feed trials for broodstock Penaeus Monodon

    2008 - 2008 Project manager: Including 6 weeks of literature review about shrimps in France and 6 weeks of trials in a hatchery breeding broodstock Penaeus Monodon, in Madagascar. Including:
    - literature review
    - experimental set up
    - data collection on shrimps, eggs and naupliis
    - data analysis
  • Pisciculture Font-Rome - Technician in a Fish farm growing rainbowtrout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

    2006 - 2006 Technician position (feeding, cleaning tanks, sorting fish, removing dead fish...). Flow through system.


  • Wageningen University And Research Centre (Wageningen)

    Wageningen 2009 - 2011 Msc Aquaculture and Fisheries, specialisation Aquaculture

    Master Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Institut Supérieur Agricole Rhône Alpes Lyon ISARA

    Lyon 2005 - 2011 Engineer, equivalent to a five-year master’s degree program in agriculture


Annuaire des membres :