


En résumé


Seja Bemvindo sur mon profil Viadeo,
comme vous le constaterez, un profil tres oriente sur l'international mais je vous en laisse decouvrir les details ....

Mes compétences :


  • Les laboratoires Servier Industries - Adoint Operationnel Production

  • Les Laboratoires SERVIER Pharmaceutical - International Operations Manager

    2003 - maintenant
  • Servier Laboratory - International Operations Manager

    2003 - maintenant June 2006 – Present
    Les Laboratoires SERVIER Pharmaceutical Industry
    International Operations Manager at the IDPT Department (International Department for Production Technique)

    - Responsible for the international sub-contracted activity covering 45 partners in 35 countries and approximately 70 million boxes per year
    -Work with the marketing and regulatory teams in the end stage development and start-up of manufacturing operations with a third party: short listing of the potential partners, recommendations based on quality and industrial audits and concluding with the eventual production transfer
    -Participating in the drafting and preparation of the contracts governing the outsourced manufacturing operations
    -Supervision of our partners through audits and technical visits on site as well as the office based technology problem solving by phone and periodical analytical reviews

    -Production transfer of the new innovative SERVIER products
    -Technical/Quality Audits done in various countries: Bangladesh, Malaysia, Pakistan, Mexico, Tunisia...etc.

    August 2003 – May 2006
    Les Laboratoires SERVIER Pharmaceutical Industry
    International Project Manager at the IDPT Department (International Department for Production Technique)

    - Selecting engineering companies for project work for our project sites
    - Supervising and verifying the design stages: Preliminary study, basic design, detailed design
    - Construction supervision, commissioning and start up of the facilities
    - Qualification stages for HVAC and process critical utilities
    - Process Studies (Sizing, Tenders document, Technical negotiation…).
    -Investment Budget following.
    -Technical audits of existing facilities
    -Reporting to the Industrial Management in Paris.

    -Revamping of the group’s existing facilities building in Madrid (2500 m² - Spain), Lahore (1700 m² - Pakistan) and Cairo (1500 m² Egypt).
    -Green Field Project for Warehouse and packaging building in Cairo (4000 m² - Egypt)
    -Budget: from € 1 million to €10 millions.

    December 2000 – July 2003
    BLEZAT POLSKA Engineering Company
    Subsidiary Manager / Project Manager (Warsaw / Poland)

    -Management of the Polish subsidiary BL POLSKA
    -Budget Control
    -Supervising of the technical study stages (HVAC, Internal Fittings., Utilities).
    -Recruitment and Management of 7 staff design & supervision team.
    -Reporting to the head office of BLEZAT in Lyons, France.

    -Revamping of a pharmaceutical dry form factory (SERVIER - ANPHARM SA), €5 million – Poland : (This site was awarded the GMP certificate by Polish Pharmaceutical inspectorate in Jan. 2003, the first certificate awarded in Poland according to EU- Pharmaceutical Law)
    -Revamping of a dairy plant in Zvenigorodka (Ukraine): €3.5 million
    -Green field Project: New high storage level warehouse for pharmaceutical dry form factory.

    April -December 2000
    BLEZAT SA (Engineering Company)
    Deputy of Project Manager (France)

    - Process Study
    -Organizational Master Plan
    -Design (HVAC, Utilities…)

    - Basic and detailed Design of a R&D building for Veterinary Pharmaceuticals
    -Master Plan for a dairy plant (Flow analysis, layout proposals etc)



Annuaire des membres :