
Jean-Gwilherm PRAUD


En résumé

Agile Methodologies, ElasticSearch, Ivr Architecture (Genesys VP, ferma, comx, netcentrex), CTI (Genesys), Crm (SFA) functionnal expertise (Clarify)

Agile Coach
CRM frontEnd solution with ElasticSearch
Seting up vocal web and vocal services
Implementation of SFA from end users needs to the deployments
IT CTI & IVR manager for sfr service client

Mes compétences :
Java Platform
Méthode agile


  • SFR - Responsable de Projets

    2003 - maintenant • Co-Founder of the comunity of Practice (CoP) Agile SFR
    • Coach for Agile projects
    • CRM Front-End with ElasticSearch BackEnds
    • Deploying a reporting perennial brick multi callcenter , multi partners on AVAYA ACD .
    • Evolutions and maintenance of Genesys CTI ( More than 10 000 positions , 50 sites ) for SFR mobile users
    • Banner linked with CRM (Amdocs & others) Evolutions and maintenance ;
    • Integration and ongoing deployment of a multimedia banner for 3,5K Seats
    • Evolutions and maintenance of brick routing email email Genesys (over 150 position 3 premises )
    • Maintenance, evolution and migration of IVR hosting customer SFR ( 1023) , merged with the fixed
    • Managing the construction and commissioning of the new knowledge base Genesys ( InQuira / Oracle) and migration Big Bang more than 10,000 positions (mobile and fixed)
    • Responsible for migration of WorkForce Management and deployment of an ATT
    • Creation and maintenance of CRM distributors (Home and Business )
  • SFR - Chef de Projets

    2001 - 2003 • Development and maintenance of the Portal Call Center (17 customer applications leger , 4-5000 daily users)
    • Animation copils
    • Drafting of contracts and monitoring thereof
  • Ferma - Chef de projets

    2000 - 2001
  • COM'X - Ingénieur développement / Chef de projet

    1998 - 2000
  • Intecom - Développeur / Chef de projet (Minitel & Internet)

    1996 - 1998


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :