Activ International, créé en 1984, est un groupe Français spécialisé dans la production et la commercialisation d’ingrédients Alimentaires: Marinextracts™ (Crabe, Homard, Crevettes…), Bases Culinaires & Fumets, Arômes naturels (viandes, volailles, MP marines…), Arômes, Colorants (Carmin, Rocou).
Ces ingrédients majoritairement Clean Label se destinent aux industriels des Plats Cuisinés, Produits Appertisés, Snacking, Tartinables, Blenders…
Sites de productions industrielles Activ International situés en France, Suisse, Malaisie, Pérou et USA.
Références Halal et Kasher disponibles.
Activ International is headquartered in Bienne, Switzerland and has been a leader in food ingredient technology since 1984 specializing in natural and organic meat, poultry, seafood, vegetable and vegetarian flavors and extracts, natural colors and specialty grill flavors. In addition to the North American offices and facilities, Activ International operates facilities in Mitry-France, Melaka-Malaysia and Arequipa-Peru.
Activ International has built its business on patented ingredient technology, delivering optimal flavor and color solutions, serving the most discernable customers worldwide. Activ International North America has been the industry leader manufacturing natural flavor keys, culinary flavors, and enhanced savory flavors designed to deliver the authentic flavor profile of their characteristic raw material; meat, poultry, seafood, vegetable or vegetarian.
Mes compétences :
Programmation neuro-linguistique
Business development