For 16 years, I have been working in helping organizations and peoples on their Empowerment : in Marketing, Sales, Analytics Process Alignment & Transformation, and also for individual people in their personal and professional goals Alignment & Achievement.
In this corporate world, Sustainable competitive advantages are increasingly difficult to attain due to accelerating changes in technology, an explosion in access to information as a result of the internet and competition from developing countries. Companies need to reinvent their economic model while their entire strategy is called into question. Aligning your Organisation around your customer is now more important than ever.
SAP offers me to continue helping peoples and organisations to empower your end-to-end Enterprise with deep customer insight and personalized engagement to help you to stand out from the competition and deliver a relevant experience at every step of your customer's journey. I also choose the most innovative company wich offers me the autonomy to be creative and to express myself in this passionated Human changes challenge.
I'm also passionate in Human Wellbeing understanding and promotion, it's the eason why I'm creating an association on "Education Positive" and "Communication Bienveillante" (non violent communication). As soon as the website will be available I will informe you.
Mes compétences :
Gestion du stress
Développement personnel
Gestion des conflits
Gestion de la relation client
Gestion de projet