


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Agroalimentaire & Nutrition
Produits Laitiers


  • Spectralys Innovation - R&D project manager

    Romainville 2014 - maintenant Head of R&D-Dairy product department in an innovative SME developing analytical tools for the food industry.

    - Setting-up, planification and management of R&D projects with academic and industrial partners in the dairy sector.
    - development of fluorescence based analyzes for dairy products quality control.
    - spectral data analysis and data modeling.
    - scientific literature monitoring, oral presentation in scientific conferences
    - training in dairy biochemistry and processes.
    - management of the laboratory
  • INRA - Research engineer

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Industrial Ph.D within the European DREAM project directed by M. Axelos (INRA BIA) and supervised by A. Riaublanc (INRA BIA) and I. Gaucher (SOREDAB, research center of Bongrain group).
    Coupled impact of product process and composition in proteins and lipids as emulsifiers on the structure and the texture of a cream cheese model in relationship with lipid oxidation issues.

    Development at pilot scale of a model of an acid gel textured by thermomechanical treatment (cream cheese).

    Study of various technological treatments (heat treatment, acidification, homogenization pressure)

    Study of various emulsifiers (proteins and lipids) at different concentrations and so of the impact of the interfacial composition on structural, textural and sensory properties of the model.

    Product structure is studied by laser light scattering, confocal scanning laser microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Products texture is analyzed by rheology (viscometry, vane method). Products were also characterized by sensory analysis.

    Study of proteins and lipids oxidation depending on the process and on the interfacial composition of cream cheese fat globules. Enrichment of the cream cheese in polyunsaturated fatty acid ω-3 in order to perform nutritional studies.
  • INRA, GPMA de Grignon (78) - Engineer (internship)

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Internship: collaboration between GMPA lab from INRA and Nestlé research center (Lausanne).

    Optimization of the sensory analysis method of temporal dominance of sensations (TDS). Setup of panels, creation and management of sensory analysis sessions, data collection, interpretation and synthesis of results.
  • Department of biology and chemistry of Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada - Engineer (internship)

    2009 - 2009 Development of a fat extraction method from solid chocolate and study of its microstructure.



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